Perth, City of Perth Reece Harley Perth, City of Perth Reece Harley

Kangaroos (Phase 2)

Artist: Joan Walsh-Smith & Charles Walsh Smith (Smith Sculptures)

Year of Work: 1998

Location: St Georges Terrace, Southern side, near Stirling Gardens

Asset Type: Public Art

Provenance: City of Perth

These life size bronze kangaroos are a realistic representation of how kangaroos might behave in the bush. You can imagine the mob being startled from its quiet feeding by the sound of traffic and bounding away, led by the large male. The sight of the kangaroos bounding at full speed along the pavement of St George’s Terrace makes a surprising contrast to the backdrop of the CBD.

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Perth, City of Perth Reece Harley Perth, City of Perth Reece Harley

Kangaroos (Phase 1)

Image Source: Eugene Scrivener (Museum of Perth)

Artist: Joan Walsh-Smith & Charles Smith

Year of Work: 1996

Location: St Georges Terrace, Southern side, near Stirling Gardens

Asset Type: Public Art

Provenance: City of Perth/State

These life size bronze kangaroos are a realistic representation of how kangaroos might behave in the bush. You can imagine the mob being startled from its quiet feeding by the sound of traffic and bounding away, led by the large male. The sight of the kangaroos bounding at full speed along the pavement of St George’s Terrace makes a surprising contrast to the backdrop of the CBD.

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