Reece Harley Reece Harley

Brenton See

Credit: Brenton See

Brenton See is a Perth artist specialising in small canvas works to large scale interior and exterior wall murals.

Nature has played a massive part in leading Brenton to the work he now constricts today.
As a child he kept and bred Australian finches and parrots in a large outside aviary he built with his father.
During secondary school he volunteered at the local fauna rehabilitation centre caring for sick and injured wildlife.
​After graduating secondary school Brenton then went on to study graphic design. Before starting his Advanced Diploma he decided working with computers wasn’t the direction he wanted to head down in life. Brenton searched for employment where he could use his hands to create the artwork he had in his head. In 2007 he began an apprenticeship in tattooing. At this time Brenton was drawing at home and developing a style. He fell more and more in love with working with pen and ink, acrylics and watercolours and soon people began to request his work. Brenton left the tattoo apprenticeship after 8 months and decided that painting for a living was the path he wanted to take.

Creating commissioned artworks and exhibiting became life for Brenton up until his change in career path in February 2015 when he painted his first mural.
Since this first mural Brenton has been fortunate enough to maintain a full-time practice in large scale works.

A keen photographer and birdwatcher he now spends a majority of his free time in the Western Australian landscape gathering reference photos for upcoming murals.

The excitement of sharing the flora and fauna of Western Australia keeps Brenton motivated in his journey to educate the world on just how lucky we are to share our planet with such wonders.

His work now focuses on celebrating the native species found within 15km of the location of the wall he is painting. This makes each site unique and helps to educate the public on what can be found close-by.


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